ADCB Egypt provides a phone banking service that keeps you up to date on your account balance & credit cards limits. You can also transfer between your accounts and obtain information regarding recent transactions on all accounts. In addition to paying off all your credit cards’ dues via phone.

Service Provided 

  1. Account Details 
    -Balance Inquiry
    -Statement details
    -Last Five TRNX details
    -Historical Statement (customer should enter the month for which you require the statement. For example, for the month of June, press 06)
  2. Credit card
    -Authorize balance
    -Information from last statement (Statement date , Payment Due date , Statement balance , Currency & Minimum Payment Due )
    -Last five TRNXs
    -Credit card payment
  3. Fund Transfer
    -Fund Transfer between your accounts ( the Maximum limit of transfer is 60000 EGP )
  4. Loan INQ (Total amount , Outstanding amount , Next Installment date and value )
  5. Change T Pin
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