Climaccelerator Program

ADCB Egypt sponsored ClimAccelerator, the first business accelerator of its kind in the field of clean technology and climate change in Egypt, launched by Youthinkgreen Egypt – EIT Climate-KIC, which is the European knowledge and innovation community that’s Co-founded by the European Union.

This program is unique in empowering entrepreneurs with diverse opportunities to expand the cleantech and climate change technology market. The program aims to turn clean technology startups into successful businesses to create rapid impacts and unlock a zero-emission and resilient future for all.

The program includes training, mentoring, knowledge exchange and market-investor linkages designed to build viable business plans in the field of clean technology and promote applicable solutions that affect climate change, as well as help in securing grants and investments to implement green entrepreneurship projects, including clean technology such as solar energy, wind energy, biomass and environmentally friendly products. Requirements also include being an innovator with at least two years in operation.


The program provides the opportunity for selected entrepreneurs to be part of weekly training camps that will provide them with the latest tools to use in their core business through sessions that will be presented by experts from around the world to exchange ideas, learn, and experience in running a successful clean tech business.

Out of 50 applicants, 13 start-ups have been selected to join the Climaccelerator program.

Selected start-ups:




Marrying farming heritage with agronomic expertise and cutting-edge technology using AI and ML capabilities, EGROBOTS provides advisors, suppliers and growers with weather insights for better farming results.


Working to achieve zero waste goal through an innovative project to recycle single-use plastic waste and convert it into interlocking tiles.


Egypt’s 1st B2B waste management and recycling program helping businesses to get rid of their waste in an easy, profitable and eco-friendly end-to-end way.

GO CLEAN Recycling Solutions

Redefining recycling and building environmental awareness by including the consumer inside the recycling process.


Bringing innovative solutions, unconventional methods and applications of renewable energy.

SCOOBY Mobility

A short-distance micro-mobility sharing platform for hiring electric scooters and bikes vehicles in Egypt through a smartphone app.


The first digital platform for smart agriculture relying on satellite technology to help farmers and agricultural companies advance their production and overcome climate change challenges in Egypt and Arab countries.


Using bio-engineering reshaping industry of specific protein production to produce a protein source for animals, birds and fish.


First logistics network connecting the pharmaceutical market to reduce the chemical pollution danger caused by the unsafe disposal of expired/unused medicines.


Building an integrated agricultural community through a digital platform to easily supply agricultural products to the consumer aiming to reduce losses and increase profits.


A digital app to overcome financing agricultural production requirements, especially renewable energy and irrigation systems.


First company of its kind in the Middle East and Africa to collect and up-cycled cigarettes filters.


Producing active eco-friendly coal and carbon from agricultural residues.